Carbon footprint
In 2024, Hospilux carried out a Bilan with energieagence SA. Hospilux is committed to renewing it every 2 years to monitor its progress in this area.
You can download a summary of this assessment by clicking below:

ISO 9001
Hospilux has been ISO 9001 certified since 2006. This standard imposes certain requirements for the implementation of a quality management system for organisations wishing to continuously improve customer satisfaction and provide compliant products and services.

ESR label
Hospilux is a responsible company that firmly believes that it is its responsibility to boost the positive impact and minimise the negative impact of its activity on society as a whole, as well as on the
environment, that CSR is a real lever for performance that creates value, that our partners and clients are placing increasing importance on our CSR commitments, and that we must constantly seek to improve the collective well-being of our working community and to maintain a peaceful social dialogue and a strong sense of belonging.
In 2022, Hospilux received two CSR labels: ESR- Entreprise Responsable and Responsibility Europe.
Ending cigarette waste
Hospilux is working with Shime to collect and recycle cigarette butts from its employees who smoke. The next step will be to introduce smoking cessation incentives.

SuperDrecksKëscht® fir Betriber
Hospilux has held this certification since 2007. This certification is part of Hospilux’s CSR commitment and aims to ensure that the company's waste is collected and processed appropriately.
Waste collection
For the collection, transport and recycling of our waste and materials, we have chosen to work with Remondis.